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Teaching Experiences

2019-present: Glycochemistry & Glycobiology (lectures & tutorials), Maîtrise en sciences expérimentales de la santé, INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier

2017-present: Comprehensive Exam
(BIO9010), PhD in Biology, INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier

2017-present: Thesis Project
(BIO9000), PhD in Biology, INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier

2012-2014: Glycochemistry & Glycobiology
(lectures & tutorials), Master 2, Université de Poitiers
(ppt available for download)

2012-2016: Industrial Organic Chemistry (lecture & tutorials), DUT 2nd year, IUT de Poitiers
(ppt available for download)

2012-2016: Project in Organic Chemistry (lab work), DUT 2nd year, IUT de Poitiers

2011-2016: Organic Chemistry I, II & III (tutorials and lab work), DUT 1st & 2nd year, IUT de Poitiers

2005-2007: Organic Chemistry I & II (lectures & tutorials), 1st & 2nd year, BSc Chemistry, UQAC

2006: Interdisciplinary Seminars in Environment (organization), PhD Environmental Sciences, UQAM

2004-2005: Natural Products Chemistry (lab work), 3rd year, BSc Chemistry, UQAC

2003: Separation and Characterisation of Complex Mixtures (lab work), 3rd year, BSc Chemistry, UQAC