Carbohydrates are a class of naturally occurring compounds involved
in important biological processes such as immune response, tumour
development, and bacterial infections. Pure and structurally
well-defined glycans are needed for the in-depth understanding of these
mechanisms as well as for the elaboration of sugar-based medicines.
Glycans are often found as highly complex heterogeneous structures
complicating their isolation from biological sources. Therefore,
chemical synthesis stands as a method of choice for the preparation of
pure glycans. The long-term goals of our research program are:
- To develop novel methodologies and synthetic routes allowing access to carbohydrate-based compounds from natural origin;
- To assess the pharmacological potential of these synthetic carbohydrate-based compounds as therapeutics and prophylactics.
The general objective is therefore twofold. It consists, on the one
hand, in advancing fundamental knowledge in carbohydrate chemistry and,
on the other hand, in generating biomolecules derived from sugars with
potential applications in the biomedical field. In order to meet these general objectives, several research projects
have emerged in my team in recent years. We have built an expertise in
the synthesis of complex oligosaccharides from resistant pathogenic bacteria to create glycoconjugate vaccines. We are
working with our microbiologist colleagues to find alternatives to antibiotics from natural compounds
and their mimetics.
We are developing
innovative synthetic routes for the preparation of marine and bacterial
glycolipids, and natural products with intriguing molecular structures, which
could find application as surfactants or therapeutics. We are also
interested in the discovery of non-toxic vaccine adjuvants based on
carbohydrate-based natural products readily available from plant
residues. The implementation of these research projects requires a vast
network of collaborators that we have put in place in recent years.
Examples of active research projects:- Total synthesis of glycolipids and natural products;
- Development of semi-synthetic glycoconjugate antibacterial vaccines;
- Synthesis of sugar-based inhibitors of bacterial glycosyltransferases.
Five most important papers:
Cloutier, M.; Lavoie, S.;
Gauthier, C.* C7 epimerization of benzylidene-protected
β-D-idopyranosides brings structural insights into idose conformational flexibility. J. Org. Chem. 2022, 87, 12932-12953 (link)
Muru, K.; Cloutier, M.; Provost-Savard, A.; Di Cintio, S.; Burton, O.; Cordeil, J.; Groleau, M.-C.; Legault, J.; Déziel, E.;
Gauthier, C.* Total synthesis of a chimeric glycolipid bearing the partially acetylated backbone of sponge-derived agminoside E.
J. Org. Chem. 2021,
21, 15357-15375 (
Cloutier, M.; Prévost, M.-J.; Lavoie, S.; Feroldi, T.; Piochon, M.;
Groleau, M.-C.; Legault, J.; Villaume, S.; Crouzet, J.; Dorey, S.; De
Rienzo, M. A. D.; Déziel, E.;
Gauthier, C.* Total
synthesis, isolation, surfactant properties, and biological evaluation
of ananatosides and related macrodilactone-containing rhamnolipids.
Chem. Sci. 2021,
12, 7533-7546 (
Gamboa Marin, O. J.; Hussain, N.; Ravicoularamin, G.; Ameur, N.; Gormand, P.; Sauvageau, J.; Gauthier, C.* Total synthesis of 6-amino-2,6-dideoxy-α-Kdo from
Org. Lett. 2020, 22, 5783-5788. (link)
Kenfack, M.; Mazur, M.; Nualnoi, T.; Shaffer, T. L.; Ngassimou, A.;
Blériot, Y.; Marrot, J.; Marchetti, R.; Sintiprungrat, K.; Chantratita,
N.; Silipo, A.; Molinaro, A.; AuCoin, D. P.; Burtnick, M. N.; Brett, P.
J.; Gauthier, C.* Deciphering minimal antigenic epitopes associated with
Burkholderia pseudomallei and
Burkholderia mallei lipopolysaccharide O-antigens.
Nat. Commun. 2017, 8, 115 (link)
Prof. Éric Déziel, INRS
Prof. Charles M. Dozois, INRS
Prof. Alain Lamarre, INRS
Prof. Charles Ramassamy, INRS
Prof. Salim Timo Islam, INRS
Prof. Serge Lavoie, UQAC
Prof. Jean Legault, UQAC
Prof. André Pichette, UQAC
Prof. Jérôme Alsaraff
Prof. Ralph Pantophlet, Simon-Fraser University
Prof. Samy Cecioni, Université de Montréal
Prof. Adnane Sellam, Université de Montréal
Prof. David P. AuCoin, University of Nevada
Prof. Paul J. Brett, University of Nevada
Prof. Mary N. Burtnick, University of Nevada
Prof. Josephine Chandler, The University of Kansas
Prof. Narisara Chantratita, Mahidol University
Dr Mayri A. D. de Rienzo, Liverpool John Moores University
Prof. Stephan Dorey, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne
Prof. Antonio Molinaro, Universtà du Napoli Federico II
Dr Laurence A. Mulard, Institut Pasteur
Prof. Alba Silipo, Universtà du Napoli Federico II
Prof. Stéphane Vincent, Université de Namur